
Prof. Dr.
Nikolay A. Dentchev
Nikolay is researcher at the Solvay Business school of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Belgium. He coordinates VUB Social Entrepreneurship which was founded in 2015 by Wolters Kluwer, Close The Gap and Euroclear. The activities of VUB Social Entrepreneurship focus on encouraging social and student entrepreneurship.

Bart Leyen
"Building supportive ecosystems for social entrepreneurs"
Bart is looking to develop a methodology for creating supportive ecosystems for social entrepreneurs. Here will be looked in the ecosystem actors and their relationships, how an ecosystem can be assessed. This to safeguard the efficiency of the ecosystem. The ultimate goal is a tool for creating supportive ecosystems.

Prof. dr.
Jason Roncancio
"Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship for sustainability and social change"
With his research, Jason proposes mechanisms through which technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship can be used as tools for creating social change and promoting sustainability with economic growth. His work has been presented at several relevant conferences (T2S 2017, RnD 2018, Academy of Management 2020, 2021, DRUID Society 2022) and published in TFSC and IJEBR journals.
He currently serves as a mentor in innovation and sustainability for the Clinton Global University Initiative, and in entrepreneurship for the Novartis Foundation in Africa in its Startups for Healthcare program.
Researchers abroad

Prof. Dr.
Romel Brun
Joint PhD student on "Sustainable business models at the Bottom of the Pyramid " between UCB, Bolivia and VUB, Belgium.

Prof. Dr.
Jorge Salas Vargas
Joint Ph.D. student on "Developing entrepreneurial competencies at Bottom of the Pyramid " between UCB, Bolivia and VUB, Belgium. His previous research had a focus on Economic growth and economic development models using DSGE and SVAR. He is also interested in research are related to quantitative methods in Business and Big Data in business applications.

Andrea Gabriela Samaniego Diaz
Joint PhD student on "Frugile Innovation at the Bottom of the Pyramid" between ESPOL, Ecuador and VUB, Belgium

Evelina Van Mensel
"Universities in support of social entrepreneurship"
Evelina Van Mensel possesses an extensive marketing research background of 15 years working experience, managing both own business as well as establishing and leading the business of a major global marketing research provider. Evelina has been responsible for running projects for over 50 Fortune 500 clients across the Globe and has extensive experience training hundreds of employees within her line of work. Evelina is teaching Social Entrepreneurship and Marketing Research at the American University in Bulgaria.
Ms Van Mensel holds a Bachelor in Hospitality Management from Portsmouth University, as well as Executive MBA degree and Outstanding Academic Achievement Award from the American University in Bulgaria. She is currently a PhD student working on universities in support of social entrepreneurs.​

Prof. dr.
Abel Diaz Gonzalez
"Ecosystems and universities in support of social entrepreneurship"
Abel worked on the social entrepreneurship ecosystems and their support networks.
His research focuses on how to develop/build supportive ecosystems in support of social entrepreneurs. He wants to study different types of ecosystems and levels, including research on exemplary supportive ecosystems already operating.
His research will cover several places in Latin America (Ecuador, Bolivia, Columbia), which are ideal settings to see evidence of the most pressing social challenges and where a lot of work is needed for supporting social entrepreneurs.

Prof. dr.
Philippe Eiselein
"Managing social enterprises: scaling and conflicting objectives"
Philippe has been working on how social enterprises can be managed from a scaling and conflicting objectives point of view.
He used both qualitative and quantitative research, and presented his research over a dozen of international conferences.

Prof. dr.
Ivan Bozhikin