2015 - 2020
What if we change the system? An introduction to Hybrid Banking
18 mei 2018
We life in a society in transition. The call for a changing economy, a New Deal, is growing louder by the day. This is fuelled by the ongoing process of digitalisation which has led social and economic developments such a servitisation, product-service systems and dematerialisation. These developments are commonly known under the labels of the Internet of Things (IOT) and the Internet of Services (IOS). They also pave the way to create decentralised transactional systems based on ‘blockchain’ enabling the creation of a broad range of ‘cryptocurrencies’ and a new direct way of fostering transactions. This digital technology opens the possibility to work with decentralised transactions based on more than just ‘conventional’ money. As a consequence, values such as time, mobility or energy can be used as means for ‘hybrid’ and ‘peer-to-peer’ transactions between people and between businesses. They are shaped into a decentralised system called Hybrid Banking. In the third and final talk of the Chair Emile Francqui the making of such a system, including possible transactional means, and the consequences for sustainability, circularity and inclusivity will be elaborated upon.
Social Impact Now Lima 2019
6 november 2019
The Chair of Social Entrepreneurship, The Peruvian Social Incubator y la Universidad de Piura organizan el evento "Social Impact Now Lima 2019 – Mejorando el apoyo al emprendimiento social en Perú" (Enhancing the support to social entrepreneurship in Peru)
Researchers & Social Entrepreneurship: An excellent match
15 oktober 2018
Our societies are confronted with several social and environmental challenges. They are not easy to solve, although many have tried. Social entrepreneurs, however, are not easily scared away. They look for creative and sustainable solutions for the most challenging issues.
Business Models in Transition
27 april 2018
From value creation towards value restoration
Society and the economy are in transition. To grasp this evolving process the concept of the Economy was introduced. In this second public lecture within the realm of the Chair Emile Francqui we investigate the impact on business models.
Supporting Social Entrepreneurs in Latin America
16 december 2019
With this event, the VUB Chair of Social Entrepreneurship wants to inspire students. This will be done by showing cases of social entrepreneurs from Latin America that are currently developing their business idea. After this, discussion will be open to discuss possible future opportunities
Welcome to the WEconomy Trends that depict the future (1)
1 juni 2018
Our world is socially, institutionally, and economically in turmoil. This is generally referred to as a transition: a period of fundamental change lasting several decades. In this first seminar, (one out of three) an overview will be provided of seven corresponding so-called ‘slow’ trends. These are trends that will mark the next decade. Together, these trends will shape our future economy in an unforeseen way. This future economy is called the WEconomy. Based on this concept of a WEconomy, several scenarios will be brought forward that might or might not emerge in the near future. At the end of this seminar, it will be argued that the rise of the WEconomy implies a changing perception on value creation and business strategies. As a whole, this leads to fundamental changes in business models.