Full Time Researchers

Nikolay A. Dentchev
Nikolay is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium. He is the chair holder of the Solvay Business School (VUB), Chair for Social Entrepreneurship (founded in 2015 by Wolters Kluwer, Close The Gap and Euroclear) at the VUB and coordinator of NV Actief (KBC, Trividend, and Unizo) at KU Leuven. These two initiatives focus on encouraging social and student entrepreneurship.
Philippe Eiselein
Ph.D. student (2015-2020)
Social Entrepreneurship Business Models
Philippe has been working on the business models of social entrepreneurs and their capabilities of scaling. He's looking into the pathways for scaling social impact, how conflicting values can be managed, stakeholders can be engaged, and what is necessary for social entrepreneurs to overcome their financial challenges.

Abel Diaz Gonzalez
Ph.D. student (2016-2020)
Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystems and Networks
Abel has been working on the social entrepreneurship ecosystems and their support networks. His research focuses on how to develop/build supportive ecosystems in support of social entrepreneurs. He wants to study different types of ecosystems and levels, including research on exemplary supportive ecosystems already operating. His research will cover several places in Latin America (Ecuador, Bolivia, Columbia), which are ideal settings to see evidence of the most pressing social challenges and where a lot of work is needed for supporting social entrepreneurs.

Claudia Alba Ortuño
Ph.D. student (2018-2022)
International support for enterprises in the BOP
Claudia recently joined the SE Chair Team as a Ph.D. student. She is currently in her first year and is expected to work on four papers about international support for enterprises in the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP). She will be working on vulnerable entrepreneurs from an ecosystem/international point of view.

Jason Roncancio
Ph.D. student (2017-2021)
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Jason seeks to position the university in the scientific literature on entrepreneurship and innovation, as an agent of positive sustainable development, considering its various theoretical and practical aspects. He has been studying individual factors that determine entrepreneurship behavior, non-commercial entrepreneurship and technology transfer issues, and business aspects of innovation in knowledge transfer.

Romel Brun
Joint PhD student on "Sustainable business models at the Bottom of the Pyramid " between UCB, Bolivia and VUB, Belgium.

Jorge Salas Vargas
Joint Ph.D. student on "Developing entrepreneurial competencies at Bottom of the Pyramid " between UCB, Bolivia and VUB, Belgium. His previous research had a focus on Economic growth and economic development models using DSGE and SVAR. He is also interested in research are related to quantitative methods in Business and Big Data in business applications.

Andrea Gabriela Samaniego Diaz
Joint PhD student on "Frugile Innovation at the Bottom of the Pyramid" between ESPOL, Ecuador and VUB, Belgium

Neda Muzho