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Social Entrepreneurship Summit 2020

"Innovative solutions for a sustainable tomorrow"


Online fair  2020 

Let´s support social projects and initiatives
to realize their entrepreneurial goals

Voting for projects will be possible from August 31st to September 11th

Let´s support social projects and initiatives
to realize their entrepreneurial goals

Voting for projects will be possible from August 31st to September 11th

Let´s support social projects and initiatives
to realize their entrepreneurial goals

Voting for projects will be possible from August 31st to September 11th

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Have a look at our participant projects

Connect with the projects you like the most


Vote for

your favorite project

Let´s support social projects and initiatives
to realize their entrepreneurial goals

Voting for projects will be possible from August 31st to September 11th

Let´s support social projects and initiatives
to realize their entrepreneurial goals

Voting for projects will be possible from August 31st to September 11th

Let´s support social projects and initiatives
to realize their entrepreneurial goals

Voting for projects will be possible from August 31st to September 11th

Let´s support social projects and initiatives
to realize their entrepreneurial goals

Voting for projects will be possible from August 31st to September 11th

Let´s support social projects and initiatives
to realize their entrepreneurial goals

Voting for projects will be possible from August 31st to September 11th

Let´s support social projects and initiatives
to realize their entrepreneurial goals

Voting for projects will be possible from August 31st to September 11th

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Have a look at our participant projects

Connect with the projects you like the most


Vote for

your favorite project

Participants 2020

















Paperless Business Models



Spinster TBR1



Close The Gap

Dance and Donate









Solar Greenhouses









Craft Bakery






Fundación Guadalquivir



The Clean Water Initiative



Zero Gaspi

Geosíntomas COVID 19






Entrepreneurship and Tax



La Prosperina




Solar Sisters



Peruvian Incubator



Banco de Héroes



Diseño Gráfico Sostenible



Koga - Huertos Urbanos




Ruido Guayaquil



Weaving Dreams - La Unión



Teachers Science Seedbed



Water Management

Gallery 2

Gallery 2 

Dance and Donate: Vive Bailando

Country / País: Colombia



Vive Bailando is an organization that combines dance and science as a motor for human, social and business development. We developed a scientific model and an educational curriculum to promote human development and socio-emotional skills through the body, dance and movement. We have a monitoring and digital measurement system in place both qualitative and quantitative to measure our impact. In the last 6 years, we have worked with more than 5,000 participants with allies such as Coca-Cola FEMSA, Embassy of Sweden, Latin American Development Bank and United Nations.Vive Bailando has more than 2,000 families that form part of their organization that need our help more than ever.




Vive Bailando es una organización que combina la danza y la ciencia como motor del desarrollo humano, social y empresarial. Desarrollamos un modelo científico y un plan de estudios educativo para promover el desarrollo humano y las habilidades socioemocionales a través del cuerpo, la danza y el movimiento. Contamos con un sistema de seguimiento y medición digital tanto cualitativo como cuantitativo para medir nuestro impacto. En los últimos 6 años hemos trabajado con más de 5,000 participantes con aliados como Coca-Cola FEMSA, Embajada de Suecia, Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina y Naciones Unidas, Vive Bailando cuenta con más de 2,000 familias que forman parte de la organización que necesitan nuestra ayuda más que nunca.

Contact - Contacto:


Country / País: Bolivia 



Too Good To Go works with surprise packages. Why a surprise? The food that saves you at Too Good To Go consists of all the delicious and perfectly edible products that shops and restaurants throw away after closing time.

We work with bakeries, restaurants, hotels and supermarkets that put fresh products in the counter every day or that have sold less than first thought. As a result, you never know exactly what you will receive until you are actually at the location. A surprise every time!




Too Good To Go funciona con paquetes sorpresa. ¿Por qué una sorpresa? La comida que te ahorra en Too Good To Go consiste en todos los productos deliciosos y perfectamente comestibles que las tiendas y restaurantes tiran después de la hora de cierre.

Trabajamos con panaderías, restaurantes, hoteles y supermercados que ponen productos frescos en el mostrador todos los días o que han vendido menos de lo que se pensaba. Como resultado, nunca se sabe exactamente lo que recibirá hasta que esté realmente en la ubicación. ¡Una sorpresa cada vez!

Contact - Contacto: Claudia Alba Ortuño


*English: Initiative supported by students within the framework of        CSR courses at VUB   

  Español: Iniciativa apoyada por estudiantes en el marco de los      cursos de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en la VUB         


Country / País: Bolivia 



Minkha Sweaters is a non-profit volunteer organization that offers the opportunity to buy a contemporary hand knit designer quality alpaca or cotton sweater, while at the same time supporting an indigenous micro-industry.

This knitting cooperative, under the guidance of Save the Children Canada, enables the Bolivian women of Cochabamba to become self-sufficient and to provide education and opportunity for their children.




Minkha Sweaters es una organización de voluntarios sin fines de lucro que ofrece la oportunidad de comprar un suéter contemporáneo de algodón o alpaca de calidad de diseñador tejido a mano, mientras que al mismo tiempo apoya una microindustria indígena.

Esta cooperativa de tejido, bajo la dirección de Save the Children Canadá, permite a las mujeres bolivianas de Cochabamba volverse autosuficientes y brindar educación y oportunidades a sus hijos.

Contact - Contacto: Claudia Alba Ortuño


*English: Initiative supported by students within the framework of        CSR courses at VUB   

  Español: Iniciativa apoyada por estudiantes en el marco de los      cursos de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en la VUB         

Solar Greenhouses - Carpas Solares Comunales

Country / País: Bolivia 



We want to promote sustainable social-economical development through the construction of communal solar greenhouses. This will allow the diversification of organic agricultural production by contributing to food security and sovereignty of children and improving the income of the homes of the millenary culture of Chipaya. 




Queremos promover el desarrollo socioeconómico sostenible mediante la construcción de invernaderos solares comunales. Esto permitirá la diversificación de la producción agrícola orgánica contribuyendo a la seguridad alimentaria y soberanía de los niños y mejorando los ingresos de los hogares de la cultura milenaria de Chipaya.

Contact - Contacto: Claudia Alba Ortuño




Country / País: Belgium - Bélgica 



Today there exist different ways of buying second hand studybooks, but all of them aren’t easy to use and close to home. Our business idea is to develop a platform for second hand textbooks for VUB students. VUBooks is a concept designed to bring together all the announcements of selling or buying of second hand studybooks on a single platform. 






Hoy en día existen diferentes formas de comprar libros de estudio de segunda mano, pero no todas son fáciles de usar y no están cerca de casa. Nuestra idea empresarial es desarrollar una plataforma de libros de texto de segunda mano para estudiantes de la VUB. VUBooks es un concepto diseñado para reunir todos los anuncios de venta o compra de libros de estudio de segunda mano en una única plataforma.



Contact - Contacto: Claudia Alba Ortuño


*English: Initiative supported by students within the framework of        CSR courses at VUB   

  Español: Iniciativa apoyada por estudiantes en el marco de los      cursos de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en la VUB         

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